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Lubricant Dispense and Tracking



Automated, Wireless Oil Dispense Tracking and Bulk Tank Monitoring.

Matrix Total Fluid Management System provides automated tracking and monitoring plus state-of-the-art dispensing for complete control of your fluid inventory. Save time, gain billable hours and maximize your fixed operation's profitability with Matrix.

System components include management software, Transceiver, Matrix Meter, Pump Air Control (PAC) and Tank Level Monitor (TLM). Together, these components wirelessly talk to each other through an RF signal to collect data from fluid dispenses, levels in bulk oil and waste tanks, plus much more!


  • Wireless transmission and reception of meter and tank level information make it simple to track your entire facility’s activities
  • Customize to fit your business–three product platforms (Basic, Professional, and Premie) to fit any size facility
  • Multi-level security to protect your assets
  • Precise measurement and control of fluids ensures profits and eliminates out of stock issues for critical inventory
  • ADP and Reynolds & Reynolds interfaces provide secure, reliable, data transfer between the Matrix database and the dealership management software
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